About me ;)
Hi all! I welcome all who come to read my adventures, trial and tribulations of being a SAHM... by all means I know my title says 'Survival Guide' but by no means am I an expert. This will be blogs on how *I* survive. And well I'm willing to offer advice its your choice to take it or not... I might think you are idiot if you don't (take me in stride -I joke a lot) or I might consider you brilliant if you share something better, so I invite to follow and chat with me about the antics of motherhood.... ok so I might stray into my creative world a bit too so if you are DIYer I'm also your gal ;) Oh and I love to cook -mostly desserts so you may stumble across a recipe or 2...
So for those of you that don't know me, my name is LeAndra and I am a SAHM to 3 super awesome kids and wife to Brad the one who suggested I write a book but I opted to try blogging. Anyways our oldest is Bradley 6 and often referred to as 'the smart one' and also 'the great negotiator.' I thought it wouldn't be until college that he would know more than me... boy was I wrong. Liliana my middle child and only daughter is 4 going on 16... she is the super girly princess type with the attitude to go with it (I have no idea where she gets THAT from lol). Mason my youngest son is 2 and well they don't come more 'all boy' than him. He is bound to be a NFL star... if anyone has a connection to the Miami Dolphins let them know now... Hey I'm working on my husbands dreams too. Oh btw they are blonde, brunette, and red head. Hold your milk man comments, I've heard them all. For the record my husband is blonde, I'm brunette, and we both have relatives with red. Speaking of this I'd just like to put it out there that its as inappropriate to make such comments to someone as saying they look tired. I mean c'mon people! You miles well just say "Oh are you the town whore?" or "Damn you look like crap with those dark bags under your eyes!" Soooo yah... as I'm sure you all heard before "if you don't have something nice to say, then keep your freaking mouth shut" -ok so that's my twist but it does bring me to I guess my first actual Survival Guide lesson:
1. How to deal with rude comments: give them the fake laugh "haha," the fake smile -the kind that your eyes say what you really want to say but can't because your kids are present, then just stop with death stare so there is no confusion so they comprehend to never say such things again... and if they are that stupid that they still don't get the message you can flip them bird by scratching your nose or something... and know that karma will get them ;)
So there ya have it. A brief intro of me... and a good idea of my level of sassiness... perhaps tomorrow I'll delve into my crafty side and discuss the fun stuff I do with kids on rainy days... but for today leave the mess inside because the sun is shining and we are going to go play outside... swing set, trampoline, pool... take your pick -these are the perks of being a SAHM.
Go play with your kids ;) LeAndra