Just a little disclaimer here: this is MY OPINION. I'm not being sponsored or paid to promote anything. This simply my opinion and what I've found works best for me and my kids. So while I hope its helpful to some out there it may not be for everyone as we all have different kids with different personalities and different likes and dislikes. But I do hope it's helpful ;)
1. Painting - it can be a little messy it is one of the best ways to keep my 6 and 4 yr old siting still and quiet for length of time and fully enjoying themselves and finishing so proud. A recent discovery that has sparked our creativity is FUN!
3. Wooden train set - This will also occupy all 3 of them. We did have a train table however it was NOT sturdy enough to hold my daughter at very young age when she tried to sit in the drawer of it. lol It also wasn't such a "pretty" piece of bulky furniture taking up space. What works? A BIN. I LOVE BINS and organization. So simply all the wooden pieces and trains in bin is awesome not to mention the fun of building a DIFFERENT track all the time :) Oh and it doesn't have to be Thomas -though we do have few Thomas pieces that I got on clearance at ACMoore that line can be a bit expensive. I go with the generic line and Target has a line also that is inexpensive.

4. Fuzzoodles - I think we've tried all those As Seen On TV things.... I fully admit my strange addiction to the TV products and some are complete flops like Pixos -man I HATED that toy while some were okay like moon sand (too messy for me. sand stays in the sand box outside here) and some are just genius like Fuzzoodles! These things are great! So cute, so creative and reusable so doesn't get old.
5. Physical Play! Good old fashion activities like freeze dance and hide and seek go a long way here when Mommy plays too. So when you have to through in the towel and join in with them make it count! I DVR Soul Train on the Disney channel for some jam sessions. Yes we like to dance here! Bonus you will burning calories! lol And let's face it if you make any of my recipes you are going to need to burn some!
and another fav :)