5pm Homework (once school starts)(craft time this week)
7pm Showers 1 - 2 -3
8pm Bedtime
7am is wake up (school starts at 9am)
some important tips:
- homework before dinner but not right after school. They need that playtime for sure!
- use dessert as incentives! I know sneaky and manipulative but it works! Check out my desserts on the recipe page and you will see the power they have.
- During shower time lay out 2 outfits for them to choose from in morning. Eliminate trying to find something in the morning and eliminate them not wanting to wear what YOU chose by letting them choose.
- While tucking in and giving goodnight hugs and kisses talk about the fun and exciting things that will come the next day. Its like magic! They suddenly WANT to go to sleep so tomorrow can come quicker. I learned this when my six year old came home from school one day and told me he wanted to go to bed. I was so confused and kept asking why and he finally told me "so tomorrow will come quick and I can play with Aiden" Ha! I took that bit of information and shall use it to my benefit.
Now if you will excuse me I need to go put the ref shirt on....
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