Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Keeping the SPARK

Ok so I need to address the hubby... Brad recently had an epiphany and understands how hard it is to be a SAHM to our 3 peanuts and announced it on Facebook! Yes I looked outside to see if the pigs were flying... nope... pinched myself. Ouch! I'm awake! Which brings me to admit yes that's HOT. As a mom nothing is hotter than a dad being appreciative and/or being a good dad. It reminded me of this book (pic and link above) in the card shop I saw this week while at the mall. I was laughing so hard people were peeking around the corner! Anyway, its funny because we are so NOT the mushy super affectionate type of couple that people say "get a room" to, nor do we profess our undying love to each other on Facebook for all to see. Just not our style. If you asked us which TV couple is most like us -hands down Doug and Carrie from King of Queens. So yah, now give them a 2, 4, and 6 yr old... tired is an understatement! Who has time for "us" We sure don't! Honestly in the past 6 yrs we've had about half a dozen "date nights" (btw really funny movie -love Steve Carell and Tina Fey -and Mark Walberg w/ no shirt is a bonus). Pathetic I know and those so called experts out there say make time once a week. Ha! That just seems so impossible to me. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm so NOT a scheduled person. I'm pretty laid back and go with the flow but I'm also super over protective about leaving my kids for someone else to watch other than family and they live a good 45 minutes away. Anyway back to sparking it up with the hubby... how do we keep our spark alive? Hmmm... well, for one a simple chat or message of appreciation goes a long way. So let each other know the things you appreciate. 2 -You don't have to go out on date and spend money or dress up to have a good time together. Some of my favorite nights are watching "our" TV shows (Game of Thrones or True Blood) or a good movie snuggled up on the couch after the kids go to bed. Even better playing Dance Central on Xbox Kinect! Hello FUN! I love watching my goofy husband trying to get down or rock out on Rock Band -I'm sure he has just a good a laugh at me singing as I do with him dancing. And I even attempted Madden Football with him! Sooo all I am is saying is a simple "I appreciate you" and alittle at home movie or game can keep that spark there :) Despite our Carrie and Doug moments we still manage to still have fun together.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"THAT" stage

So yesterday I was talking to some very dear friends of mine about "THAT" stage. Ya know... its often referred to as the "Terrible Twos" only I don't think that's the right name for it because it starts BEFORE 2 and can last into 3 or even longer! At this point with a 2, 4, and 6 year old, I have been in "THAT" stage for 5 years now... again this blog is about Survival... and how to keep your sanity. If only I had a nickle for every time someone said "You have your hands full huh?" or "How do you do it?!?!" I'd be a billionaire! I like that song ;) I wanna be a billionaire so freakin' baaad.... Anyways here are some ways to cope when you are on the edge of insanity yourself.
Scenario A - you are home with the kids trying to clean. I'm going to stop right there give you a moment to go "ugh" because you know its next to impossible to have a clean house with young children in it. I read a quote recently that stuck with me because it couldn't be more accurate. It is "Cleaning your house with toddlers in it is like shoveling snow while its still snowing." Soooo true! My advice don't bother! lol No I'm kidding! I don't live in a pig sty! Eww! I've made it a habit to do the cleaning while they sleep... are they going to wake up and make a mess and have several spills a day to clean up? Yes, but it works and saves my sanity by not even trying to clean while they are up and making a mess, I mean playing ;) These are the moments you throw in the towel and join in the play. Classic but true "IF YOU CAN'T BEAT 'EM, JOIN 'EM" this holds true even with your kids!
Scenario B - You are in a store and your kid or kids are bored and/or want something...something like the ridiculously overpriced toy you know will break as soon as you leave or they will have no interest in after you pay for it... and low and behold the crying and screaming begins.... you are getting looks from around the isle or worse someone who thinks they can talk to them to calm them down. Ha! At this point my level of frustration is peaking and I'm on that edge of insanity... the kind where you are questioning what the hell were you thinking coming to the store with them in the first place because now you can't enjoy browsing... you can't enjoy thinking... and you are bound to forget what you came for in the first place and you want to scream at anyone who dares glances in you direction. (Yes I've broken before and told people to mind there own business, that my kid is fine, they are just 2!) Oh and I love the so called "expert tips" I've read everywhere to bring a toy or bring a snack. Ya right! LOL That last about 1.7 seconds until you are playing the 'I'll throw it and you pick it up mommy' game... or a snack becomes you cleaning a department store so you are not mortified by the trail left behind you... just saying... It would seem the easy way is to just give your kid what he or she wants. WRONG!!!! Let me break it down. Since birth both you and you child have had the communication of 'cry = give/get what they want' Think about it... your baby cries you feed him, or change him, or burp him or pick him up, whatever it takes until they are satisfied. We become so good at this communication that we can even identify the different kinds of crying! Right? You hear your one year old crying, and a friend or someone might say "Ooooh is she okay? Does she need to be changed?" And you immediately say "nope she's hungry" ... or "nope she's tired" or "Yup she got booboo"... Anyways right around 18months we have to teach them the complete opposite! That crying will NOT get you what you want. HELLO -of coarse we all are going to melt down during this process. lol Its life. Back to the store -so your kid is having a melt down -how to survive? DON'T give in... that is unless you want a 10 year old throwing a temper tantrum because they can't have what they want and I'll be the one around the corner giving you a look. Sometimes you just have to walk out. Leave your cart at a register and go take a time out in the car so you both or all can relax... Or go for snack -mmm Starbucks preferably... REMOVE yourselves from the situation. At all cost I do try to avoid melt downs so my tip to avoid this all together is hit the dollar section and let them pick something to play with while you shop. Wouldn't you pay $1 to avoid that situation all together? I sure as hell would and do! If there is no dollar section by the door (I'm talking about Target btw) then hit the toy section and let them pick something. You can always tell the person at the register to put it back. 1 item is really no big deal... its better than those crazy people sticking items in candy section or taking forever with coupons or writing checks... seriously people it 2011 -get a freaking check card, swipe and be gone.... because my kids are now asking for every piece of candy waiting on you! Its only so long before they pick up a Milky Way and I can't say no. lol

So there ya go... oh I said I'd talk about rainy day activities... whoops! well that dollar section in Target or the craft stores are excellent places to find crafts to fill a rainy day basket.... I'll work on that page next ;)

Happy cleaning and happy shopping everyone!

Friday, July 15, 2011


About me ;)

Hi all! I welcome all who come to read my adventures, trial and tribulations of being a SAHM... by all means I know my title says 'Survival Guide' but by no means am I an expert. This will be blogs on how *I* survive. And well I'm willing to offer advice its your choice to take it or not... I might think you are idiot if you don't (take me in stride -I joke a lot) or I might consider you brilliant if you share something better, so I invite to follow and chat with me about the antics of motherhood.... ok so I might stray into my creative world a bit too so if you are DIYer I'm also your gal ;) Oh and I love to cook -mostly desserts so you may stumble across a recipe or 2...
So for those of you that don't know me, my name is LeAndra and I am a SAHM to 3 super awesome kids and wife to Brad the one who suggested I write a book but I opted to try blogging. Anyways our oldest is Bradley 6 and often referred to as 'the smart one' and also 'the great negotiator.' I thought it wouldn't be until college that he would know more than me... boy was I wrong. Liliana my middle child and only daughter is 4 going on 16... she is the super girly princess type with the attitude to go with it (I have no idea where she gets THAT from lol). Mason my youngest son is 2 and well they don't come more 'all boy' than him. He is bound to be a NFL star... if anyone has a connection to the Miami Dolphins let them know now... Hey I'm working on my husbands dreams too. Oh btw they are blonde, brunette, and red head. Hold your milk man comments, I've heard them all. For the record my husband is blonde, I'm brunette, and we both have relatives with red. Speaking of this I'd just like to put it out there that its as inappropriate to make such comments to someone as saying they look tired. I mean c'mon people! You miles well just say "Oh are you the town whore?" or "Damn you look like crap with those dark bags under your eyes!" Soooo yah... as I'm sure you all heard before "if you don't have something nice to say, then keep your freaking mouth shut" -ok so that's my twist but it does bring me to I guess my first actual Survival Guide lesson:
1. How to deal with rude comments: give them the fake laugh "haha," the fake smile -the kind that your eyes say what you really want to say but can't because your kids are present, then just stop with death stare so there is no confusion so they comprehend to never say such things again... and if they are that stupid that they still don't get the message you can flip them bird by scratching your nose or something... and know that karma will get them ;)
So there ya have it. A brief intro of me... and a good idea of my level of sassiness... perhaps tomorrow I'll delve into my crafty side and discuss the fun stuff I do with kids on rainy days... but for today leave the mess inside because the sun is shining and we are going to go play outside... swing set, trampoline, pool... take your pick -these are the perks of being a SAHM.
Go play with your kids ;) LeAndra